Everything you need to select the Texas University, college, junior college or technical school that’s best for you.
General information about Texas colleges and universities including costs, admissions, financial aid, scholarships, residency, and statistics.
The go-to source for information and resources for planning, preparing and paying for postsecondary education.
This site provides information about the Department of Education's offices, programs, information and assistance services, funding opportunities, and education statistics.
Find colleges based on location, programs, tuition, distance learning, evening courses, and more. Save your favorites and compare up to four colleges.
Grants, loans, and work-study programs can help pay for college or career education.
Information provided to simplify the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
FAFSA4caster will help you get an early start on the financial aid process by providing you with an early estimate of your eligibility for federal student aid.
Fort Worth Independent School District information including schools, and important dates.
Find ACT test dates and registration information.
Find SAT test dates and registration information.